Tricyrtis hirta

Family Liliaceae
Subfamily Calochortoideae
Scientific name Tricyrtis hirta (Thunberg) Hooker
Synonyms Tricyrtis japonica Miquel; Tricyrtis hirta (Thunberg) Hooker forma albescens (Makino) Hiyama; Tricyrtis hirta (Thunberg) Hooker var. albescens Makino; Tricyrtis hirta (Thunberg) Hooker var. parviflora (Dam.) Masamune; Uvuralia hirta Thunberg
Common name (Japanese common name) hototogisu (ホトトギス, 杜鵑 [hototogisu = Cuculus poliocephalus])
(English common name) hairy toadlily, toadlily
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (west of Sizuoka prefecture), Shikoku, Kyushu
(Other nations) none
Habitat Mountane forest or wet rock wall
Chromosomal number 2n=26
Description Plants 40-100cm tall. Leaves 10-20cm long, hairy. Flowers purple or white (forma albescens) perianths each 25-27mm long, flowering in September to October. Fruits 28-32mm, seeds 2mm long. Perennial plants.
Reference Tricyrtis hirta (Thunb.) Hook.
Remedies (European Patent EP1563841/2005)

September 2007
at Institute for Nature Study

October 2006
at Ibaraki Botanical Garden
October 2006
at Ibaraki Botanical Garden
October 2006
at Ibaraki Botanical Garden

October 2006
at Ibaraki Botanical Garden
October 2006
at Ibaraki Botanical Garden